Xander Berkley (24, CSI, Terminator 2) stars as a mysterious man who sits at the booth at the end of a diner. People come to him with things they want: a parent with a sick child, a woman who wants to be prettier, a nun who wants to hear god again. The man can make these things happen. For a price. In exchange for what they want, these individuals must sacrifice their morals and do deeds normally inconceivable to them. Set off a bomb. Rob a bank. Kill a child. They must return to the man and describe every step in detail. As the characters' tasks begin to overlap, complications ensue. But the man never forces anyone to do anything.
I really want to visit the location where they filmed this

What's more, they're promoting the series with the Can you kill? game to test the morals of the player - would you kill for the thing you want?
if only:

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