I find this very exciting and look forward to when the new Routemaster hits London's streets. I've never been a fan of the bendy bus and believe that the public transport of a city has a huge impact on the wellbeing of its citizens.
I like this winning design. I love the return of the open hop on hop off back, the use of wood and leather and the styling - it is a nod to the original but also fresh and modern.
While much of the design may get watered down because of cost and practicality, this is definitely a step in the right direction. Something that London can be proud of. Truly exciting!
More at Foster and Partners
I think the design is kinda cool! the bendy buses are crap and living in hackney i have noticed that they are a haven for pick pockets! Oh totally random question is it possible to laser a design on leather?
Yes it is possible to laser a design on leather
ok because I am lucky enough to own a pair of nike air dunks and when i brought them the guy said they were lasered, thanks for the response
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