Monday, June 21, 2010

Don't let them lift the whaling ban

A ban against whaling has been in place for the past 24 years, dramatically reducing the numbers of whales killed. However, today in Agadir, Morocco the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will begin the process of voting on whether to lift the ban and potentially open the floodgates to whaling across the globe once again.

A graphic film which featured model, Alice Dellal, narration from actor Christopher Eccleston and music from The Horrors, has been created to move millions of people to sign up to an online e-protest against the proposed lifting of the commercial whaling ban.

The aim of the protest, led by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) is simple; to directly challenge the proposed lifting of the whaling ban and potentially save thousands of whales from being needlessly slaughtered in the future.

Each e-protest (accompanied by an individual, personal message) will be sent directly to the most high profile supporters in favour of the plan to lift the ban, which surprisingly include Barack Obama and the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

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